Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Tree for You

The holidays are upon us and I wanted to get you something, so I made a little tree and had a little thought. During this season of giving, be nice. Throughout the year, be nice. Hell, be nice to someone with out them knowing. Be nice when someone pisses you off, you'll be all the better for it. Don't expect anything in return for your generosity, because most folks don't know how to behave when someone is nice. Just be nice for the sake of it. Happy holidays for whatever you celebrate. Have a the best day possible every day and you'll see how being nice will be en epidemic.

Pass this post along and remember, you can also be naughty, but keep it to a minimum. Hahahahaha!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Big Red

(singing) Big red monster with big ol' yella teeth. Big smiling monster with big ol' yella teeth.

If he attacks, I'm sooooo tripping you. Ha!

Koi WaterColor on Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor 140lbs Cold Press


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Elusive Strawberry Jellyfish - CAUGHT!

After almost three decades of searching by academic, nature enthusiast and gentleman, Sir Archibald James Tomlinson VI, the once thought mythological sea creature, the Strawberry Jellyfish was finally captured on paper off of the Western California coast. Sadly, after years of tenacious pursuit, taxing his family life and savings Sir Archibald was forced into a life of solitude, living until 1992, on a small uncharted island off of the coast of Loka Chica'n Choka Heimlichi where at the ripe age of 96 passed away in his sleep after being eaten by a Great White Shark. The widow Tomlinson is quoted as saying after being told of the jellyfish discovery, "F**k." The family, who had suffered and both financial and emotions distress has established a Strawberry Jellyfish conservation fund to protect the once thought extinct species that Sir Archibald wasted his life for. Filming of the TV movie based on Tomlinson’s life begins this spring with 5 different actors playing the enthusiast at different phases on his life.

A girl I spotted on a passing bus.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Roar, You Giggle.

You might not be able to control them, but don't let it control you.
Laugh, the world loves you, dude!

Koi WaterColor on Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor 140lbs Cold Press